7.28.2004 That truly was the last Kappa sushi supper. Well, farewell to that bad boy!
The diaspora has begun and I am so happy to be part of it. Indeed the Japanese adventure is truly over...with Mr Kindofcrap and the OZ duo leaving today and all others leaving within next week....today it is my last day of JET, oh HELLL YEA!!!!! and tonight I will have my 6th night in a row of farewell partying.
Anyway, it's good to finish 2 years here with too many drinks and a bad liver. Thank you Japan for enlightening me in the ways of the bottle mmmwuhahaha.
Speaking of drinks, I am off to the other stupid country across the ocean next Tuesday.
America the beautiful.
Anyway, I don't have much to say because I am too sad that my compadres in fun and pain are leaving or staying and won't see them again for quite a while. Plus it is almost lunchtime.
This is for the eternal shotgun rider Galvin Get a freaking car you cheap bastard!
And this is for Mr Danger the Canadian Mark
Keep them fighting for you!
7.13.2004 the Throwdown at work, next party perhaps on Thursday, eh!
trying to be sneaky, but that's what happens when 1)you are going through computer withdrawal and 2)you are forced to stay at work all day while the only effective hour of work consists of being a human tape recorder for 1/2 hour in the early morning while 80% of the school is out and about on the mountains having unusually sane fun.
so, I am downloading mp3's on the school computer as well as planning various scams that I will have to pull off once I go to California.
So, ひさしぶり..the top 10 of the week! a.k.a. the only 10 mp3s I have just finished downloading
1. Akufen - In dog we trust
2. Losoul - Mandu
3. Deaf 'n'Dumb Crew - Flashback
4. Altered Beast - Release the beast
5. Putsch '79 - Asian girls
6. Akufen - Skidoos
7. Jess & Crabbe - F9 Riot squad
8. -
9. -
10. -
Hmm, I thought I had more. One cheer for the top 7!
Anyway, I still have 3 hours of non work to go...
speaking of which, began my farewell speech tour 2004 last week to hundreds of completely disinterested little bastards and so ingeniously covered up my lack of lesson planning by taking a jolly good time to take class photos. One cheer for the top teacher of the year!
Then, went on a neat neat trip to the north of 'ha-ha' Kinki, to one of the top beautiful spots of japan, Amanohashidate, which looks like this but really, what I will remember this place for its... well, not much due to too many beverages, but mainly I will remember this for obvious reasons
also, we got to tour some nice beaches, one of which was hosting an apparently, ummmm, decisively out there beach football event I mean, look at those hot men and look at that tanktop! yummy
One cheer for a top place in Japan!
Paid dating in the making on the left mmmuahaha..Tokyo, some weeks ago, was a good fat time as usual and according to mr Soverow we had a jolly good night although I cant seem to remember it despite finding myself with a huge Koizumi poster.
In any case, we all ended up like this
One cheer for internationalization!
11:58 午前
7.01.2004 and she lost HAHAHAHA
happy July, I suppose!
1)a month to go before my inner japanese will be kicked in the arse
2)out of a car although the pigs havent called me yet to meet with the 'big guy' who will decide whether to uphold my sentence for driving without a stupid license or believe my mafia story and help out a fellow pig. 3)out of a computer thanks to a nice hard drive failure that wont even let me reload windows. hence goodbye to gigs of legally downloaded mp3s and quality uncensored horse japanese midget porn 4) out of alcohol because there is really nothing else i can do without a car and a computer
5) my only method of transportation broke down when the back tire exploded sending me splattering into a Miss Piggy-like schoolgirl.
6) a schoolgirl again, just for a change, but i'm not in trouble this time....
7) ..I hope
anyways, one good news, well for my selfish interests only, is that my bosses scammed themselves and i found myself replenished of all the vacation days I used up. While technically I should be at negative of 1 paid day leave, I am at plus 14. Which, is absolutely great considering that everyone wants to squeeze the crap out of me at work knowing that I am out of here soon. 1 point for the slave!
and an awesome weekend is coming up starting with 4 days of partying and djing all over, plus a day of vacation, a small dent in my 14 days bonanza.
bam! take that brick!good good good movie, why did people hate it so much? i guess copying Kubrick is not cool, eh? also, don't forget to check out the new great album by Capsule "Phony Phonic" which is really awesome, well not that new, but anyways greatly erased by my failed hard drive.
Lack of updates, you say? Well I wanna see you in my place
stuck in a Japanese prison, you!
just kidding, I was around my country being a family friendly
tour guide. I would like to write about the fun stuff but
really, no. Perhaps another time, eh?
anyway, among the trillion temples I had the gashing opportunity
to visit was the Meiji Jingu which still looks the same compared
to the other 4 times I've seen it. darn
and this is how it looks in my dreams about good ole Meiji
by the way mr is updating again like a madman, and dont
even think of skipping his Engrish section.
also, our local Japanese mad panda has come back from a
2 month hiatus. Now, this fella is full of crap!
11:16 午後
Finally got my 3rd degree by the cops...
it seems that this ass-kissing bullcrap letter may have saved me...
Dear Sir or Madam:
I would like to take this opportunity to explain the incident that occurred May 19, 2004. I was involved in a traffic accident involving my car and an inconsiderate high school student. The Usuda Police officer at the scene confirmed that I was the victim and that the student was completely at fault. I was also informed by the police officer and, later, by the Usuda Town Board of Education that the driver’s license I showed was not valid and was advised not to drive anymore.
I reviewed very thoroughly the explanation on why my international driver’s license is not valid. As a law-abiding citizen of Usuda Town, I have followed the B.O.E.’s recommendation and have not only stopped driving completely, but also promptly gave my car away.
I got my license in California in 1996. I have been driving for more than 8 years. Because traffic law in California is very strict, I have received a very rigorous training and testing, and I have never broken any laws nor got into any accident.
Coming from a family with strong ties to the police force (my grandfathers were officers as well as 2 uncles and 3 cousins) I have always had the utmost respect of the law, as well as complete trust in the police force. My family battled the Mafia just as you battle the Yakuza. Because they all live in Usuda and Saku and so visibly infest Nakagomi, the Yakuza must be an extremely difficult issue to resolve, and for that I respect and trust you very much.
The international driver’s license was issued to me by American authorities. They assured me many times that it would be valid in Japan even after I told them that I had been living in Japan for one year already. After they checked my passport, they assured me again that my international license was fine. I trusted them. What else could I do?
I have less than 2 months left until I will leave Japan. I am very sorry that I inconvenienced you so much, especially since the fight against the Yakuza is obviously your priority.
I would like to apologize for my ignorance and for the ignorance of American authorities. I have understood that your law is fair and so I am not completely at fault. I have no means anymore to create any inconvenience. Since it is the community that I could have hurt, I would like to give back to the community. I am therefore available to do community service, for example at the hospital, or at Aitopia or even at your station. Nothing makes me happier than helping a community that has given me so much great hospitality for almost 2 years. Such a small bureaucratic oversight should not ruin 2 years of successful international relations.
my family battled the mafia hahahahahhaaaaa
oh this is for you fellow crapholders
6.03.2004 See? Japanese kids on bike are obviously evil, as this
artist's rendition shows!
Well, I am still in the country, the cops haven't
given me any crap yet...seems like everything has been forgotten.
Crap, I can't believe I am talking as if I am the one who was
at fault.
But it's the "japanese way", eh? It's everybody's fault..
(darn bomb, you yanks). Note to self: avoid hitting grannies.
Anyways, nothing to report except that I have been
unsuccessfully muscling my bosses into getting me
a first class ticket to America. You see, it is in
the contract that the town hall must pay for my
ticket to my home country this summer. So they
intelligently told me to find "a ticket".
Ummm, "any ticket?" I said.
"Hai, hai 何でもいい"
"You mean, any ticket, to anywhere??"
"Hai, hai".
So, instead of touring the world at the town's expense
as many other foreigners near me are doing, I figured,
eh, since I am going straight to America, why not do it
in big boy style?
Why don't they want to pay just $ 7000 for my one way
ticket on luxury Japan Air Lines? I mean, c'mon!!!
it's gonna be a hard-fought-for freaking ticket. (oh, they finally told me that they would give me $1500 for the
I laughed in their faces. I would spend just that by travelling
to their stupid Narita airport!!!
1. UA - Taiyo te ni tsuki ha kokoro no ryouteni (太陽手に月は心の両手に)
2. Minmi - Fly high
3. Alan Braxe & Fred Falke - Palladium
4. Doop - Daktari (this is a fantastic classic)
5. Beastie Boys - Ch-Check It Out
6. Double - Souljah
7. Spiller - Rio kalopalio
8. Max Romeo & The Upsetters - Push Push
9. Lionel Richie - Don't stop the music [Joey Negro mix]
10. Yello - To the sea
I have recently began to listen to #1 UA who has actually been
around for a while and actually looks much better in still
pictures like that one up there, really eclectic and that's
why she is not mainstream. Anyway, imagine listening to this
song in an open air dancefloor during sunrise. Well it happened
to me when I went to Ageha recently. incredible! You must get
this song...(may I suggest using...Soulseek?)
indeed, this is the same ladeee.
5:37 午後