Quite a chilly but fun weekend we had, and I am
glad to announce that the toughest day of the week
-aka Monday- is over, and I am ready for the next weekend.
It has been freezing over already, and there is already
good tragic snow. ay ay ay!
Had an extremely busy day today, from teaching classes
to making halloween posters of witches and skulls, you know,
just to make these sick-minded kids more sick than ever,
so that they will grow up making grosser movies than
Battle Royale II and perhaps voting to uncensor
censored manga when they will become 18.
I mean 20, oops. Did that make sense? no. That's
because I am trying to follow that psycho in Breakfast at Tiffany's on TV.
ugh, the cheesiness
speaking of which, look at this lovely couple too sexy, eh?
and these lovely people at Nagano's latest Halloween bash.
Yours truly, eh, you guessed right, he is the Pimp.
Couldnt find a worse hat. Thanks to Keiko for that haha.
assaulted by Hello Kitty
next week...dj Kevin and dj Wasabepasta @ Tiffany's
the first really scandalous party ever seen or heard of
in this rice-paddie corner of Nippon.
this next top 10...u gotta get it
1. Mika Nakashima - Love addict
2. Mika Nakashima - Love Addict [Yukihiro Fukutomi remix]
3. Pharrel Williams ft. Jay-Z - Frontin'
4. Dave Armstrong - Release the tension [Dirty Vocal Mix]
5. Ian Pooley - What's your number [Jazzanova remix]
6. Joey Beltram - The start it up [Technasia Mix]
7. Nancy Sinatra - Bang bang
8. Soul Providers & Marty St. Michaels - I need you [Bini & Martini Club Mix]
9. Photek - Titan
10. Black Eyed Peas - Shut up
Another useless rainy day in this useless country side
so what better time to organize the porn..i mean the
pictures that constellate my laptop "the savior" HP.
HP dude!
and, speaking about uselessness, I completely forgot
about this picture I took during a ridiculously tedious
sports festival in my school/ waste of a weekend.
is that...a...umm student cleaning the floor, or a man
in a cheeky 70s attire pooping in public?
Well, you are looking at one of the social studies teacher
who is trying to, get this, dry up a big puddle with
a piece of a sponge, just because he had nothing
else to do - and, as I said, the sports thing was
pretty boring.
Who would dry a puddle? With a sponge??!!?!!
oo la la!!
Speaking of another episode of regular japanese
life, that's the Kindofcrap meister himself with
2 kissy kissy alcohol sponges. Hoist Galvin!
top 10....tommmmmmmmmmmooooooorrow!
10:29 午後
What is this odd looking symbol? -you would ask yourself.
A new klingon character? no but kind of
The symbol of the new generation of Decepticons? ummm that
is just my fervid imagination
The Japanese dubbed version of the Decepticons' symbol?
Alas, no. This is not a symbol of a robot cartoon faction but
the symbol of my town. As you can clearly observe, it is shaped
after a bird. Now, as you most obviously can notice, the head of the
bird is, ummm, i guess at the bottom.
Why am I posting this? because they are not showing the
stupid Yankees on TV and therefore my only chance to
hear some English today, even though it is the yankees...
is gone,,,, bohoo
12:26 午前
Just got back from the gym and thought of blabbering a
little bit just to update y'all on the nothing that has
happened here lately.
Of course, I'm lying. I'm just lazy as usual. In fact we had
a neat 3 day weekend, I guess because Christopher
Columbus got to Japan as well, I don't know. I had no idea
Christopher Columbus day was celebrated in the states,
what an ignorant. We were, anyways, graced by the graces
of a gracious grace from Tokyo, ahem, Kanagawa who
surprisingly survived not one, but 3 days in this unconsequential
and cold piece of rice field countryside. The courage, the grace,
Yuko is a hero indeed. And an avid taco eater like all
of us stupid foreigners and english students
speaking about students, I promised two of my fans
that I was going to post a picture of them online. Now, you are going
to say..."wait a minute, do his retarded students actually
read a website that is not only talking crap about them,
and not only in English, but also on this thing called internet!!!!"
no, of course they can't read English!
well, you see, they caught me peeping in the girls'
lockers after volleyball practice...oh wait a minute,
that's my principal's story!!!!
right, so, here are some more pictures taken during
my cleaning time. you see, instead of helping
my kids clean their decrepit school, I usually just surf the
internet (that's what the two girls up there caught me
doing) so, full of pride, there is no way I'd help them.
So I go around taking pictures of them and
explaining to them how kids in the first world countries
do not clean their schools as that is the job
of real cleaning ~professionals. Scrub it up boys!
I wonder what is the black stuff on the ceiling of the
toilet...natto perhaps?
yes, pick that trash up, woman! hmmm
I think half of that pile is mine since I can't
deal with sorting out my own trash.
7-11 has something to say about that.
1.Kim English - Higher Things
2. Negrocan - Aquela esquina [Grand Nelson Club Mix]
3. Joey Beltram - The start it up [Technasia Mix]
4. Photek - Resolution [Photek remix]
5. Get This - Ya underwear [Bini & Martini Production]
6. Julie McKnight - Home [Knee Deep Club Mix]
7. Speedy J - Electric deluxe [A1 side]
8. Mike Monday - Can u play bass [Drummatic Twins Remix]
9. St Germain - So flute
10. High Contrast - Basement track
Actually, I should put #9 as #1, as I put in on repeat for
the past hour, without noticing...really nice and chill
groove, perfect for late night cruising down the
sreets of LA. I will be back there, some day....
11:30 午後
I was looking through the crazy (riight) pictures of this
past weekend and, ha...check this out, for some straaange
reason I took this, while walking with my speech contest
team (see those 2 sailor suit girls up front?) through the
lame streets of Nagano city. Talk about lame, look at
what could happen to your car!
Ah yes, good ole Japan.
Thanks, by the way, to Ha for her pictures advice she gave
me last week~
Top 10 (a big thanks to Winmx for these
sweet downloads. The number 1 is actually a pseudonym
used buy Italians Bini & Martini. wwoohaa.
the website i just linked is actually a brilliant flash site...check it out!
1. Eclipse - The music [radio edit]
2. Thomas Newman - Six feet under [Photek remix]
3. Boogie Pimps - Somebody to love (Salt Shaker)
4. Groove Armada - My friend [Swags Good Boddy Remix]
5. Groove Armada - Healing
6. Llorca with Lady Bird - My precious thing [Ian Pooley Mix]
7. Danilo Vigorito - Appendix D (A1 side untitled)
8. Roy Paci & Aretuska - 90�Minuto
9. Lene Nystr� - It's Your Duty (Shake Your Booty)
10. Finley Quaye - Dice
All quiet in this western front....given that a 3 day uninterrupted
by work weekend is coming up, I think it's fair enough, eh?
Hmmm that didn't make sense. But these past two nights
haven't been making sense either. Yesterday we tried to go
watch Tomb Raider but of course the whole movie theater
was shut down just for that day for works. Then we went to
play bowling, and of course that was closed too. We ended
up going to the mall to play a videogame involving taking
the best pictures, and another where you have to chop the
most fish and mollusks in the least amount of time.
And tonight was Simpons and mac & cheese madness
topped by lighting up fireworks in the mountains.
"What the heck..?!!!" exclaimed the loser to his woman, obviously
paralyzed in a virgin mary pose after realizing what a loser her
loser man really is.
Stay as a senator and fight the Bush, not the Terminator!!
Ve alzo vant to velcom our brother Arnold Schwarznegger.
Ve alvays supported the cause for ze Fatherland'z victory, ja?
Ve the peepls of ze Rizing Sun heils ze rize of ze forthz Reich!
ja ja ja ze Emperor rejoicez and vill begin engaging in '70z style
orgiez and touch women and zmoke out the incenze of love javhol!
zank you kalifornien und bustamante fur der unezpected final
zolution! ja ja ja eins zwei polizei!
Michele? perche' non mi scrivi un po' di piu'? non e' che mi dice
molto, michele di trofarello!!!! mandami il tuo indirizzo e-mail!
2:17 午後
Typical of me, I was thinking too much
about the models when I wrote last night's
entry....so I cast my magic spell on it
et voila'...it's exactly the same as before
except for some small parts. Plus it is fooling
my co-workers into thinking I am preparing
my presentation for this friday's all-Nagano
JET meeting.