Saw Kill Bill 2, finally...hmmmmm, quite a throwdown, eh?
what's a throwdown, u say?
Check out THIS throwdown, baby!
Kevin and I finally got our act together, and our long-thought (2 days)
project finally came to life under the form of "The Funny Company Throwdown"
Big thanks (ups) to Keisuke, who surely will join our production
duo and hopefully begin a string of events that will pioneer
the dance scene of this retarded area. Pioneer. wwaaaaw
so here are some pictures of the party, I hope to post more
in he next few days. let me know if you have some of your own,
you naganoans!
The Masters at Werk, Keisuke, Kev and Wasabepasta Kevin at work on the deks
The downtown scene was packed and, no, no Coors just a lame neon me being foolish with miss Gucci, and the Namachabastard with Noz token arty-picture-inside-a-club but really the cameraman was shaky/drunk n forgot the flash future kiwi and 外人 expert Yoko, and a sexy group pic featuring me my young man Andy with his future wives tha Keik, Miss Gucci, Midori and Rie
the throwdown trio again and proof that even the Krapmaster scores with the enemy
u can see a bigger version of this here but you gotta log into yahooo ;-(
3:38 午後
I've been listening to this everyday, now, great great great radio
the left's got a voice, america has a voice against that demented minority in power
also check out House of Bush which is about
the loving relationship between the Saudi regime and the Bush dinasty
the real reason why Osama is pissed at America.
good god, please kick him out in November!
5:42 午後
another weekend, another week.
The end is near..... (ever watched Millenium?)
played many tunes at Helen's party last night, good stuff, too much
drinking and too many English people haha..
and this week's fav looney tunes...
1.Spiller - Sola [Promo mix]
2. Agoria - Stereolove
3. Kaskade - It's You, It's Me [Album Mix]
4. Johnny Fiasco - Jazzmatic
5. Tito Puente & Mongo Santamaria - Afro Blue
6. Kenny Bobien - Father
7. Toshinobu Kubota - The Sound of Carnival [Soul Bossa Trio remix]
8. Rui - Oboro
9. EZ Rollers - Cops Dont Like Us
10. Sting - Perfect love gone wrong [Lisa m-flo mix]
too lazy to rag on nippon today, so, the final pics of osaka...
Japan, a third world country with a first world facade...
but with darn good gyozas...
10:46 午後
4.13.2004 What's going on underwater?
How's everyone doing? hopefully better than me, still freezing my
pseudo-japanese butt. I supposedly saw this
which is a festival happening every 7 years, called Onbashira.
People usually die or get really seriously injured, so of course
it was a great opportunity to see these robo...people in great
gratuitous pain.
Alas, didnt get to see much because the area was immensely
crowded, and plus we had to buy tickets ages ago for half of our
super teacher salary, but had a great time anyway with the
Far East Nagano people.
Got accepted to the master's program at CSULB which was
plan D in my master plan. But eh, good for now..still waiting for 5 other
schools' responses.
Now, I want your responses.....
What is the bunny...going to do?
Well, it was snowing so much last night and today it was, of course,
pretty warm, so skipped out of work as usual and headed for the basketball
courts, packed with high schol boys.
Now, these courts are right next to a mall, notorious to as perverts
as eye-candy centrale just because, since it is the only veritable
"mall" within a 100km radius, it attracts vast amounts of ladies
and high school jailbait. If you were a high school guy, wouldn't you rather then hang out
at the mall? Then again, this is Japan, where guys enjoy sitting on each other
waaay more often than europeans do. and kissing mmmuah!
I'm not bitter, I'm just gonna push my little brother to do a student exchange here
and make a lot of schoolgirl damage in the future.
ew! groce! haha! come here my little ones mmmwhaha
come here my little..ummm...multi-headed prodigy!
that was Kobe, by the way. A city of nothing to see and massaged cows.
This is globalization my friends.... trade in your rice bowl and kimono
for good tacos and GAP
that smart alec of Namachapanda has finally updated!
what a little moron!
and so did the Hooker, with pictures that at least I do appreciate
oh boy, I literally surrounded by smart hotties who
speak english perfectly!!!!!! argh, of course it had to happen
now after two years...and I'm out of here in 4 months!
eh, whatever, but at least my co-workers will be happy to see
me at work more often than ever haha i wonder why..
so, here are some pictures of the Kiso-Osaka-Kobe-Kyoto
trip with the Filipino Hooker... ah that bastard beat me to it!
well, you can see some pictures of the trip on his site.
ok...here are possible future movies starring MYSELF!!!!!!!! wow too sexy
1) The stoned Raccoon and I 2) Bladed runner 3) The runaway gyoza 4) Canadian bacon 2
sorry that was completely random...maybe it's the really bad hangover...
ooh shh... gotta go back to my desk to work, no... for reals!
11:07 午前
Yay, or, oh no, it's already April!
Well, so, as usual I sneaked out of work today, I mean, I'm having
a very very long business lunch. Today we got to uselessly spend a day
in school (of course, school is always on break till next week) just to
meet the new teachers which I would have been really happy to meet
once break ended, not in the middle of it.
However, one plus is that 5 out of the new staff are as young or
dang, younger than me (therefore really stupi..inexperienced) and
out of those, 4 are really cute ladies, 2 of which are my next door neighbors.
1 of which is my new partner in teaching engrish to these future
Now...why would those old bastards at my bankrupt city hall hire so
many youngsters? Besides the fact that they will be fresh molestation
meat at the next drunken office parties, they are also extremely
CHEAP workforce who will work loads in exchange for nothing.
but being the Japanese system what it is, they will be highly unprepared
since they are fresh out of four years of drinking and partying, aka
Japanese university ------> more more work for me. And stupider students.
And stupider salarymen. And more Battle Royale. (yay)Therefore, just like last time when I had the idiot but hot student teacher
of english who couldn't speak a word of English, let alone speak it, this
is going to be a tough time.
picture courtesy of the local crazy aussie Mark
What can I do? Well, just sit back and watch this wretched country corrupt away.