chikan alert!!! chikan alert!!
indeed, Osaka was big fun.
12:21 午前
I'm off to work for a bit, but I couldnt resist telling y'all about
this Slammin Boys site which hosts mixes by various talented dj's.
Right now I'm playing Dan Metcalfe's funky set. Nothing better to wind your alcoholic night out, or to wake up
and pretend it's not almost snowing again outside. That's the joy
of "uplifting house", which is kind of like a blend to gospel and funky
house. Not kind of crap.
Look mom! We can get all the Japanese souvenirs with one buy!
Yup, I like castles too. In fact, I'm gonna see way too many this weekend!
I'm off to Osaka and Kyoto~
8:28 午前
Aahhhh yes, the sun finally sets over another productive day in these
stupid wastelands of eastern Nagano. After "leaving" my work at 11
to go 1)have a (unending) lunch and 2) "repark" my car at a sushi place then
back to my place, i went to see our injured of the month, aka Saku Mark
who is featured in the net photos...then went swimming and then worked
on my little earth plot so i can plant some stupid plants and veggies
so I don't have to pay gold for them at the market.
And now it's time to plan my weekend, as it will begin tomorrow morning after
I will "leave" for "lunch" from work. Destination, OSAKA, baby!
yes, it's time for my yearly comeback. every time I go, it's just craziness.
That was the trip I did with the Nagano soccer team, the same day we beat
the Osaka JETs 1-0, and the day after we had an all-you-can-drink at the same place.
So that the Hooker and I won't look too shady, we will visit some unnecessary
temples in the morning in Kyoto. Then, hit the clubs in Namba. I wanna see my
unbreakable japanese dj idol Mondo Grosso at the Underlounge!
So I went to see our injured guy of the month, so here are some pictures
from last month's little excursion to the frozen Santaki Falls with a
cool guy from work and 2 lovely and legal ladies. and the injured guy
was up and running.
yes, the sexy pose (why am I always bending over?)
closely looking for any "hazards" on the path
oh yea baby, danger ahead
OH MY! SWEET ASs....i mean...ラヴホテルはどこ??????????!!
Well, I had to be good. So I'll chill with my bud here
and hold the camera
Speaking of camera, I took some pix while working very hard today
in school. Couldn't believe my sleepy eyes when I saw this cutie
on the second floor...and I've been passing here everyday and I
never noticed! Maybe it's because I turn off my cute-girl radar
when I go to work except for special perverted occasions.
It's funny how sexual it can get in these places. I mean, besides the sailor
uniforms thing and the perverted teacher thing and lolita complex thing. That's right, young ladies, beware of the dirty old man.
Too sexy.
By the way, the Slamming Boys have really great house music mixes
7:40 午後
That's roight....it's Christmas time one more time in Usuda, 長野県.
With below freezing temps and really big flakes that have been
falling down non stop since early this morning.
So, despite, as I explained last week, the fact that school is out
I had to go to work today. So, got up from bed, didn't even change,
braved the 15cm of snow with my eyes still closed, drove - with
my eyes still closed, ohayo gozaimasu's everywhere, signed in,
went to the back of the empty school, got in the car and back to bed.
Of course, it didn't happen really like that. In fact, there were
students there! On top of that, students who just graduated.
I told them to go away, and they answered "oh, but we like it here."
Anyways, nothing else to say, but it's another bloody monday. Pics, but
first, top 10 eclectic download recommendations...
1.Chicken Lips - He Not In
2. Nuyorican Soul ft. India - Runaway [Mongoloids in Space Mix]
3. Billie Holiday - Don't explain [Dzihan & Kamien remix]
4. Photek - Mine to give [David Morales Facedown Mix]
5. Beck - Hollywood freaks
6. Britney Spears - Toxic [Armand van Helden remix]
7. Armand van Helden - Hear my name
8. Outkast - Happy Valentine's Day
9. Joey Negro - Saturday [Radio edit]
10. Misia - Tsutsumi Komuyouni
So, we had a party last month at La Font, in this area, but I kept
forgetting to post the pics, so here they are.
Cool band from Nagoya playing southern classics, so here is
Blair, now off with a ship around the world.
Then Keiko and I before or in the middle of finishing the drink menu
The Miki and the Hooker with a girlie drink
theex-miss Gunn, Mike D and the Keik with girlie drinks
Katie in a pose to risque' for me. ooo hot
and finally was able to catch Galvin without his middle fingers spread-out.
the middle fingers are to you gaijin, courtesy of Japan.
yup good times.
expecially if you are having McDonald's with that.
4:29 午後
It is what it is... a long Saturday! so, I shlap you an unprecedented
2nd update in a day!
So, I will continue my slideshow of the Tokyo trip, beginning with
the token "artsy" japanese picture
which was really a mistake shot because i forgot the flash...i really
intended taking the picture of a bunch of japanese gay guys -something
I've never seen before in japan- just snuggling against each other
while the club was bouncing at the most sweltering beats.
Perhaps if you have photoshop you can enlighten that picture,
and unlock the gay mistery.
Speaking of Queer Eye, certainly these nice fellas need a oh! look!
While this guy - a priest at the Meiji Shrine - looks pretty dangerous.
Jeesh I wont take your picture next time. Just because I'm Christian ;_:
That's me and a uh panda, but not Namachapanda, unfortunately.
And these are Ha and Yuko -again so you love me more- at my favorite
store in Shibuya after Condomania, aka HMV.
for you who do not know and non-Canadians, HMV is a music store.
token japanese picture
i mean, c'mon, 2 updates in 2 days! too much time on my hands!
so, i meant to put up more pictures of the latest tokyo trip, so here
is sum mo'!
the second day, Keiko and I went to the Harajuku area to walk around
and mainly because it was a Sunday and the freaks (goths and cosplayers)
are all out and about on that day. Just behind the station, we "discovered"
the infamous Meiji shrine. FYI, this shrine is reviled because it honors all the
war dead, that is, the criminals that messed around in Asia during the wars.
anyways, it was a darn nice place because I suppose it is largely
funded by those traditionalist old rich neo-nazi families. There were
many weddings going on. Isnt such a hell-bent place so romantic?
notice anything strange?
Let's take a closer look
ah, yes, the punk is getting married
we rejoiced by humping this neonazi lamp post
of course, every night was worth celebrating, not only
because we were in good company (see the Hooker and fab Yuko)
but because the dj was naked
enough naked guys! where are the ladies?
MOO !!
8:12 午前
It was graduation day yesterday, so none of my students are here
in school (except for a stupid few who actually miss school). So yes,
my city hall banned me from taking the next 2 weeks off even though
the only there is no one to teach and i am not going to do absolutely
anything (like now). I mean, the other teachers have to be in school as
well, planning lessons for next year and wasting their time in endless
and useless meetings. But as many have told me, they will simply
lounge around and smoke cigs all day. What a waste of time.
Today was a complete waste of time and energy. Last night we had
the usually wild teachers' party (えんかい) -that was my usual show-off
of my mastery of THE japanese language- yea, as I was saying, it got
pretty wild thanks to our friend alcohol that turned my usually tame/lame
colleagues into veritable comically loud lions. End of the year, you know,
let all the steam off.
Of course, we had to go to work the day after (today). Hangovers
everywhere..headaches...not a smile.... And we are all doing nothing
or pretending to do something such as..I look at my teacher now in
the English room, she is rearranging books that she has been
rearranging this whole past week.
What a waste.
Things like these make me happy about my decision
to go back.
But, look! what's waiting for me overseas?
!let's go Nader let's go!
I'm doing the brackets through yahoo...of course my team name is
none other that the UCLA bukkake avenger!
speaking of bukkake, our Chow senseihas been updating like the
madman that he is. He is going back too, so let him know whether
he should or shouldn't continue Kindofcrap. Given the copious amount
of time in my hands that i'll have, i will be that madman myself. Yea
what a complete waste of time.
go to San Francisco, ladies!
11:33 午前
1:42 am, everyone is asleep in my place and all my neighbors too. Man, last week
at this same time I was humpin' and jumpin' with my ladee at Harlem in Tokyo
Well, it's time to recover from 6 days of sleeping through conferences and going
out and about in the big city, i suppose. But really, it's the wallet that needs a break.
or an I.V. I was asked what the Manboo stands for - I posted the picture in the last entry-
That is the name of the internet cafe' where I spent a night instead of checking in
an (expensive) hotel, or an (expensive) love hotel, or an (so-so expensive for the
space) capsule hotel.
Speaking of capsules, japan is definitely a small small country, considering that
out of millions of people, I literally bumped in a mate who used to live in my retarded
countryside, aka Yoji, here we're sampling the local beverages with the Hooker Marc.
ah, above, a fine example of a canadian, we just saw the mythical Ha...yes ladies it's the same sweater of the picture before..
came unprepared to Tokyo, with only one sweater. The internet cafe's didn't have
showers. ew ew ew too much infoooooo
The next is the token picture from Japan, the one you show to mom, daddy and
other girlfriend...mt Fuji, seen from the 60th floor of the Sunshine City mall...
(remember Bryan, Sharlene and Ty?) haha good times
of course, we couldnt miss out on the freaks withtheir costumes in Harajuku.
Everybody seemed very relaxed and happy there, but
looks like someonereally would have rather been somewhere else.
oh I almost forgot the token Japanese girl picture I am required to post, assuming that
the picture above doesn't count. But before that, just to be fair to our male
readers ...the soccer practice video!
soccer practice is good, eh?
I am Biggie, of course.
Eh.... 6th and last day in tokyo...spent the whole night here
to catch some sleep that I really really need. Alas, no, this place is too
noisy and the constant brouhaha of this internet cafe keeps me awake
for the 30th hour straight. Without counting the 2 hours I slept during
the very entertaining conference in Yokohama of course.
I want to go home. And sleep till next week.
6:12 午前
Bloody MONDAY!!!!!
a' propos of the racism in Japan discussion, you might find this
article quite disconcerting. It refers to an episode this past
weekend where a bunch of Middle Easterners confronted and
clashed with Japanese neo-nazis at a car show.