This week's top 10 offered to you by Radio NoOnelistenstome
1. Double - Wonderful
2. Ice Cube - Wicked
3. VanHalen - Why can't this be love
4. Moodymann - The thief that stole my sad days
5. Tears For Fears - Sowing the seeds of love
6. Simply Red - Fake [remix]
7. Utada Hikaru - Travelling
8. Finley Quaye & Beth Orton - Dice [Bushwacka! Mix]
9. Simply Red - Sunrise [Atfc Morning Glory Remix]
10. Lamb - Alien [Photek Remix]
Time passes too fast, my daily routine now is so busy that weeks
come and go by way too fast. In a way I am so glad that winter is
melting away because I am sick and tired of waking up in the
morning in a warm bed, and then trekking to the west wing of
my mansion (kitchen and bathroom) where it is insanely cold
(three years ago, when my hut was built, I suppose that central
heating was not invented - then again, it still has not been invented
here in japan to this day - but at least we got stained schoolgirls'
panty machines! then (good times)
and now (very good times)
No, no dirty panties pictures thank you very much, but
this panda or the KindofCrap machine might have a picture of
that coming soon if he drinks more than enough. Sorry, only those over the age of 18 and
my ignorant students are allowed to access that site.
and..aha! the REAL...uh?
(for my pees in LA...is this Asian Paul in his crime-fighting costume?)
I've been everywhere. Because I rule the world!
You can check out this site if you want to create your own map.
(thanks Ha for the plagiar....."inspiration")
Speaking of world....it's my enth TACO NIGHT tonight! ay ay ay
7:32 午後
2.14.2004 Your imaginary co-worker.
Happy Valentine's to the ones celebrating... I am gonna go
put my plan into action now har har har.
TY, please dont make us look to bad. They did attack us
from behind and that was because we had 15 hot japanese
girls between the 3 of us. Not racism, just plain jealousy of
our sexual prowess. ;-)
Loos like a discussion is brewing, a.k.a. a fine occasion for some
Japan bashing. First of all, to directly answer the question by chuchu
on the message board on the right, please check out this really good
site that talks about lots of stuff here in Japan, as well as those "black
propaganda vans" which are, in reality, veritable long motorcades of
black busses with big loudspeakers and lots of flags. They get together and
then they do a parade en masse in the midst of the most crowded areas
of the cities (mainly, really, Tokyo) and engage in sending their message across
through these loudspeakers with recorded speeches and right-wing songs
aimed towards raising Japan to the top as it use to be in WW2 (in their eyes)
and/or advocating for or against some immigration issue, or just for trying
to kick or piss off the Korean community that is object to an incredible amount
of hatred...i'd say most than any other ethnicity living in Japan.
My take on it is that these people are just, you know, same ole Ku Klux, crackers
with no jobs and therefore nothing else to do but follow the strong buddy next door
who has found something or someone to blame for his monetary or mental crisis.
I personally witnessed one of these caravans in Shinjuku, Tokyo, while on a trip to
the Tokyo Game Show last september....
of course, being the stupid loud foreigner that I am, what I did was to
stick my arm out of the window and raise my fist and singing along
and encouraging the people in those busses in support of kicking my own
species out of this retarded country.
before I go find a picture of a scantily clad girl, I just wanted to add that
discrimination/ racism here in Japan, at least in my eyes, and physical attacks
apart, is part of everyday life given the natural fact that this culture is based
on perpetually trying to assert itself. Therefore, while appreciating foreign culture,
it is at the same time making sure that people see te difference between
in and outside culture. the "Out" is and will always be on the outside, on the fringes,
on the strange side, not necessarily below, but definitely not belonging to
the mainstream, the whole, the right side.
Is it the fact that, differently than mixed cultures like the US coastal cities, or London,
Japan is THE absolutely dominant culture? I tend to think so.
but i like being different. i like being above the law sometimes. i like having
privileges. hmmmm.......
hmm im out of pics, so ill just use an old one again har har har
I like being different in this case mmuahaha.
7:13 午後
2.08.2004 at least you know that the drinks come with special service
(remember that you dont tip in japan)
(it's very very rude)
gone skiing today with a lot of people
of course I lost all of them because
1. Alan Smithee - Let me in
2. Incognito - Get into my groove [Jazzanova Re-Groove Mix]
3. Danger Mouse and Jemini - Here we go again
4. The Rapture - Sister saviour
5. RJD2 - Work
6. Mondo Grosso ft. Bird - Life [MG Stepped Mix]
7. Double - Souljah
8. Double - Rollin' on
9. Thomas Newman - Six feet under [Photek remix]
10. Eclipse - Take me down [Bini and Martini old skool mix]
yea yea yea, what can you do when nothing tragic happens in my life?
you dont update your page! and no, im notdoing this because
something tragic happened or, better, my school has already
reached its yearly suicide quota! boooo!!!
so, someone suggested to put more girls pictures, eh? while this
is REALLY a family-oriented webpage, I will try to satisfy all the customers
and perhaps place some beauties on this page, perhaps, eh!
the management will work on it..
but first, a recap of late 2003 and early 2004 events
calisthenics at the end-of-the-year city hall party, because, you know, you gotta
make that sushi go down well, or make you choke [note:girls of all ages on stage]
me, right after that party, and Maki [note:a girl]
my place on a normal night [note:a girl on girl action]
my alter-ego santa clause playing rock paper scissors over a cell [note:scantily clad girl in white]
the Far East Nagano guy crew [note: girls not in the picture]
the lucky NamachaPanda with [note] 2 girls
and finally, since i ran out of obviously girly pictures, i picked this
ones from the ample stash of gratuitously semi-naked ladies
from last september's Tokyo Game Show. too good