Exactly a week to go, and the land of the absolutely free, the land of
run for the border Taco Bell, of big steaks, of big guns, of big SUVs,
of 24hr ATMs, of 24hr supermarkets, of cheap hookas, of affordable
vegetables to smoke on the hookas, of no mp3s, of chinese buffets,
of no inconprehensible 日本語 of white hoochie mamas instead of 山姥,
of スナックバル with cheap prices and perhaps less hookers, thai, that is,
of no 飲み保代 or else bars would go out of business, of expensive and
low quality 寿司 。。that is..sushi. Yea....America あめりか or アメリカ or
亜米利加 or according to our ramen makers 美国
cant read the japanese i wrote?,...... see what i mean!!!!!?!! jk, go to
your start menu, control panel, languages and add Jap as one of the
languages of your stupid/japanese-made machine.
Yes, I will be able to order a Big Mac without feeling obliged to bow back
to an overzealous supershortskirted and *good god* smiling MacDonalds
worker. Yes, I will be able to get my money out of an ATM that
wont completely shut down on me eating my card and the money when it's
the ATM's closing/dinner time. Yes, on that note, I will be able to go to the
bank after 3pm !!! Yes, I will be able to not only buy a real gun at the
market, but also a real Japanese katana!!! (? by the way)
and bring it back to Japan as a souvenir!!!!!! Yes, I will be able to buy
a Coke or a Dr Pepper from a machine that doesnt thank me nor let
me make phone calls to my 32 female and goat lovers!
aw man...I need a bean burrito...
aw dont cry, lady, you can be my burrito tonight!
Look at that....no top 10 (aka Wasabepasta's suggestions
for download, easy listening/groovin, spinning) in so long!!!!
ok, i like Halcali, dont give crap for that..check out the pic
in my previous entry
1. Halcali - Tandemu
2. Dj Format feat. MC Abdominal - The hit song
3. The Rapture - Olio
4. Mai Kuraki feat. M-Flo - Crumbly butterfly
5. Manhattan Transfer - 10 minutes till the savages come
6. Four Tet - As serious as your life [Original mix]
7. Roman Salzger - Clubganger
8. Rhymester feat. Kohei - Brothers 2000 (DJ Yutaka UN mix)[2003 re-edit]
9. Zuco 103 - Brazilectro [Maurice Fulton Remix]
10. G-Pal - Ocean of blue [Side-A mix]
Call me a missionary...I introduced to the savages the art
of drinking Adios Motherfu**ers.
The next drink that the local bartenders wont be able to make I
will name it after the greatest Wasabepasta.
i need to review my math for that
so, i got some (1) requests regarding where do I download
other dj's mixes so here are the links. Of course, I get many
off Kazaa and Winmx, but these are really good ones
12.01.2003 why not start Kindofcrap style with some engrish I found
while shopping in Takasaki.
Hello and Happy December...rrriiiiight.....rain rain rain
i was so happy to start December with a Monday that I
decided to be terribly sick and forfeit my beautiful
teaching Monday. boo hoo
so, instead of killing myself to get my message across to
willing ignorant wannabes, I watched Chicago...sweet! eh?
had a nice brunch, and had dinner soon thereafter
and accomplishing absolutely zero. Of course, because this
is Japan and since your boss is your mom, the school promptly
checked on me a couple of times calling on my home phone
instead of my cell...u know, just in case id be fooling around
god forbid outside of my town, doing the Galvin or, worse, playing THE pool
This past weekend was a very good FarEastNagano bonding
experience, not only in the getting all naked part at the
famous Sanada Onsen open air spa
(for your safety, no pictures of us sexy naked men, but rest
assured it was a truly beautiful spa)...as I was saying
we got our 3 teams to represent our retarded valley at
the first all-Nagano Jet 3-on-3 basketball tourney.
We most obviously kicked ass and went on an awesome
carnage, but were so merciful that we left the finals to
two other undeserving teams.
That's all of us from the Far East plus the Filipino
Hooker (from the South FYI) and freshman Paul
(FYI from the Central Nagano)
eh, some more engrish? ok!
offered to you by Keiko
it takes more than me to burn her to the bone, i suppose
when i'll be decrepit, ill need a grandson like this one.
what was I thinking... cant do that Little Guide
to House Music but hey, at least now, yo ignorant
dance people, a teenie-weenie-yellow-polkadot-bikini
bit about house music, eh?
so anyways, ill stop talking because i have not much to
say...did some stuff lately and this weekend I am wasting
away watching TV and studying for the first time in
2 years some japanese. some pics will do the talking!
an old pic from September, camping with crazy locals
unbeatable ratio
then, this past week's conference (MidYear Conference)...it was
the usual waste of time except that this year it was definitely
more fun than last year's, plus it was good bonding time for
us in the Far East Nagano (or Middle East according to Chris)
thank the kindofcrap meister for the omnipresent finger
and again...that was good Beth, THE Nagano AJET queen
before the really entertaining 3 hour speech to open the
conference was going to begin
and finally my "little brother" (kohai) Andy who is indeed the
coolest guy we have in this area after me.
11.14.2003 WASABEPASTA LITTLE GUIDE BOOK TO HOUSE MUSIC Like it or not, the genre known as house was developed in the eighties
and it was clearly the first and foremost direct descendant of disco, mainly
New York underground disco aka not YMCA and all the good stuff you
hear at your radio station on saturday nights (or never like here in Japan).
Basically, what transformed disco was the heavy usage of electronic drum tracks
replacing the typically disco live orchestras. This was aimed to make people continue
to dance despite the whole "Disco Sucks" movement. The style became rawer
and deeper, including long percussion breaks that allowed the DJ to mix tracks
without interrupting the rhythm, synthesized and dub sounds and effects
(of course developed here in Japan) as well as good ole sampling of tunes
from more commercial/known music.
Names please!!! ok
So house is said to be born out of Chicago clubs in the mid '80s thanks
to Frankie Knuckles, Ron Hardy, Fingers Inc aka Larry Heard, developing
into a sound that was getting more energetic by the year thanks to
European disco influences (like Kraftwerk, Giorgo Moroder). To this day,
a typical track out of Chicago is noticeably very european in character
(take Paul Johnson from Chicago and Daft Punk from France).
Instead, the New York underground took a more mellow approach out
of disco (Larry Levan, First Choice) led by Todd Terry.
Now....get your Kazaa or mp3 search ready:
Notable Chicago house dj's Dj Pierre
Lil' Louis
Farley Jackmaster Funk
Fast Eddie
DJ Rush
Roy Davis Jr.
Steve Poindexter
Marshall Jefferson
Glenn Underground
Byron Stingley
Gene Farris
Dj Sneak
Derrick Carter
Green Velvet/Cajmere
Harry "Choo Choo" Romero
Notable New York house dj's Masters at Work / MAW aka Little Louie Vega and Kenny Gonzalez
Francois K/ Francois Kevorkian
Joe Claussel
Patrick Adams
Mateo and Matos
Tom Moulton
Now, the dj's I just mentioned generally represent the
sound of the city where they're from. Of course, as time went by
this spawned a whole bunch of different styles and/or
sub-genres varying from city to country to gay club to
rave to drug. Names used to describe such sub-genres
are often ambivalent if not downright meaningless.
So I'll give it a shot. bawaaaaang!
Acid House Began, where else, in Chicago, Acid House is where
the repetitive, impersonal and dubby rhythm of Chicago house
clashes with stripped down punishing European beats, creating
a sound that is not only techno in essence, but also trancy and
psychedelic. It definitely mixed in with Detroit techno and gave
root to trance, unfortunately.
Fast Eddie
Detroit House Theo Parrish/ Moodymann
Deep House Kevin Yost
Mark Farina
Ben Watt
Jay Hanna
King Britt
Tech House Arguably defined as a more stripped-down approach
on house, this uses more synthetic-techno and/or
electro style sounds as opposed to the sampled disco
and vocals of regular house. For really dark clubs. This
overlaps all the time with deep house.
Dr Kucho
Progressive House Deep Dish
Danny Tenaglia
Steve Lawler
John Digweed
Dubtribe Sound System
Minimalist House Ambient House Funky/ Disco House Yousef
Groove Armada
Eddie Amador
Roger Sanchez
Junior Sanchez
Felix da Housecat
Dj Pipi
Pound Boys
Gospel House Needless to say, it developed out of a perfect mix of diva-driven
disco music and funky/disco beats with a good dose of
positive and Christian salvation/hope messages.
Ministers De La Funk
Hard House Dj Irene
Funky Techno This is where house becomes banging while still maintaining
its disco feel thanks to its loops and bass lines thus not
becoming cheesy as hard house. It overlaps with techno
due to its hypnotic machine-like sounds. Dj's mix techno music
with this all the time in their sets
Dj Dan
Ken Ishii
Donald Glaude
Fatboy Slim
Bad Boy Bill
Mondo Grosso / Shinichi Osawa
Jan Driver
Angel Alanis
Olav Basoski
Rhythm Masters
Eddy Flashing Fowlkes
French Touch Heavily influenced by disco house's disco loops and filters,
this sound developed itself into a genre that can be
very easily recognized by its bass-driven melodies,
very loopy samples, outworldish vocals. It now resembles,
if not overlaps, Chicago disco house and funky techno.
Daft Punk
Thomas Bangalter
Raw Man
Alan Braxe
Bob Sinclar
DJ Nekbath
Dimitri from Paris
Etienne de Crecy
Le Knight Club
Sebastien Leger
We in Music
Mike 303
David Guetta
Buffalo Bunch
Nothing nothing nothing...I mean, same ole ole
working days, working it nights, freezing cold and
party weekends....why am I doing grad school
ah yes, so I can make mo' money to party harder.
Tomorrow...(hopefully) the top 10 and..oo la' la',
my own little post-'70s guide to house music ...
for you baka confusing techno with trance and
house music with techno.
this was absolutely stolen from The EP website. booya!
11:44 午後
11.03.2003 oh yes,
kill bill then give it to me arrr!
You would think that she'd be tired to play a killer schoolgirl,
you know, after she played a raging killing miniskirted animal in Battle Royale but no. Right on! And as a top-seeded pervert amateur, I think
she needs a nose-job.
Yup, another 3 day weekend past, mostly spent recovering from
Friday's enth b-day bash and, oh!, going to school in
my own version of a Halloween costume, creating a big time
fracas just because, well u know, I looked like a freak.
Now, my costume was kind of a mix of a pimp and
a drag queen, but since that it's quite complicated to
explain that to my jr high kids, i stuck to what my elementary
school kids told me the day before...a dead rockstar.
needless to say, my fan club had a field day.
1.Tomoyasu Hotei - Battle without honor or humanity
2. Incognito - Get into my groove [Jazzanova Re-Groove Mix]
3. Kevin Yost - Simply so
4. Baby Mammoth - Elephunk
5. Stylophonic - Soul reply [Tom Middleton's cosmos vox mix]
6. DJ Rasoul - Oh Baby
7. Hotel Costes - No jive
8. Dana Kelley - Hell ya!
9. DJ Harri & Papa Deep - Stand up and be counted
10. Rip Slyme and Pizzicato Five - Non stop to Tokyo
next weekend.....80s party with djs Wasabepasta and Kebi Furai
7:15 午後
Quite a chilly but fun weekend we had, and I am
glad to announce that the toughest day of the week
-aka Monday- is over, and I am ready for the next weekend.
It has been freezing over already, and there is already
good tragic snow. ay ay ay!
Had an extremely busy day today, from teaching classes
to making halloween posters of witches and skulls, you know,
just to make these sick-minded kids more sick than ever,
so that they will grow up making grosser movies than
Battle Royale II and perhaps voting to uncensor
censored manga when they will become 18.
I mean 20, oops. Did that make sense? no. That's
because I am trying to follow that psycho in Breakfast at Tiffany's on TV.
ugh, the cheesiness
speaking of which, look at this lovely couple too sexy, eh?
and these lovely people at Nagano's latest Halloween bash.
Yours truly, eh, you guessed right, he is the Pimp.
Couldnt find a worse hat. Thanks to Keiko for that haha.
assaulted by Hello Kitty
next week...dj Kevin and dj Wasabepasta @ Tiffany's
the first really scandalous party ever seen or heard of
in this rice-paddie corner of Nippon.
this next top 10...u gotta get it
1. Mika Nakashima - Love addict
2. Mika Nakashima - Love Addict [Yukihiro Fukutomi remix]
3. Pharrel Williams ft. Jay-Z - Frontin'
4. Dave Armstrong - Release the tension [Dirty Vocal Mix]
5. Ian Pooley - What's your number [Jazzanova remix]
6. Joey Beltram - The start it up [Technasia Mix]
7. Nancy Sinatra - Bang bang
8. Soul Providers & Marty St. Michaels - I need you [Bini & Martini Club Mix]
9. Photek - Titan
10. Black Eyed Peas - Shut up
Another useless rainy day in this useless country side
so what better time to organize the porn..i mean the
pictures that constellate my laptop "the savior" HP.
HP dude!
and, speaking about uselessness, I completely forgot
about this picture I took during a ridiculously tedious
sports festival in my school/ waste of a weekend.
is that...a...umm student cleaning the floor, or a man
in a cheeky 70s attire pooping in public?
Well, you are looking at one of the social studies teacher
who is trying to, get this, dry up a big puddle with
a piece of a sponge, just because he had nothing
else to do - and, as I said, the sports thing was
pretty boring.
Who would dry a puddle? With a sponge??!!?!!
oo la la!!
Speaking of another episode of regular japanese
life, that's the Kindofcrap meister himself with
2 kissy kissy alcohol sponges. Hoist Galvin!
top 10....tommmmmmmmmmmooooooorrow!
10:29 午後
What is this odd looking symbol? -you would ask yourself.
A new klingon character? no but kind of
The symbol of the new generation of Decepticons? ummm that
is just my fervid imagination
The Japanese dubbed version of the Decepticons' symbol?
Alas, no. This is not a symbol of a robot cartoon faction but
the symbol of my town. As you can clearly observe, it is shaped
after a bird. Now, as you most obviously can notice, the head of the
bird is, ummm, i guess at the bottom.
Why am I posting this? because they are not showing the
stupid Yankees on TV and therefore my only chance to
hear some English today, even though it is the yankees...
is gone,,,, bohoo
12:26 午前
Just got back from the gym and thought of blabbering a
little bit just to update y'all on the nothing that has
happened here lately.
Of course, I'm lying. I'm just lazy as usual. In fact we had
a neat 3 day weekend, I guess because Christopher
Columbus got to Japan as well, I don't know. I had no idea
Christopher Columbus day was celebrated in the states,
what an ignorant. We were, anyways, graced by the graces
of a gracious grace from Tokyo, ahem, Kanagawa who
surprisingly survived not one, but 3 days in this unconsequential
and cold piece of rice field countryside. The courage, the grace,
Yuko is a hero indeed. And an avid taco eater like all
of us stupid foreigners and english students
speaking about students, I promised two of my fans
that I was going to post a picture of them online. Now, you are going
to say..."wait a minute, do his retarded students actually
read a website that is not only talking crap about them,
and not only in English, but also on this thing called internet!!!!"
no, of course they can't read English!
well, you see, they caught me peeping in the girls'
lockers after volleyball practice...oh wait a minute,
that's my principal's story!!!!
right, so, here are some more pictures taken during
my cleaning time. you see, instead of helping
my kids clean their decrepit school, I usually just surf the
internet (that's what the two girls up there caught me
doing) so, full of pride, there is no way I'd help them.
So I go around taking pictures of them and
explaining to them how kids in the first world countries
do not clean their schools as that is the job
of real cleaning ~professionals. Scrub it up boys!
I wonder what is the black stuff on the ceiling of the
toilet...natto perhaps?
yes, pick that trash up, woman! hmmm
I think half of that pile is mine since I can't
deal with sorting out my own trash.
7-11 has something to say about that.
1.Kim English - Higher Things
2. Negrocan - Aquela esquina [Grand Nelson Club Mix]
3. Joey Beltram - The start it up [Technasia Mix]
4. Photek - Resolution [Photek remix]
5. Get This - Ya underwear [Bini & Martini Production]
6. Julie McKnight - Home [Knee Deep Club Mix]
7. Speedy J - Electric deluxe [A1 side]
8. Mike Monday - Can u play bass [Drummatic Twins Remix]
9. St Germain - So flute
10. High Contrast - Basement track
Actually, I should put #9 as #1, as I put in on repeat for
the past hour, without noticing...really nice and chill
groove, perfect for late night cruising down the
sreets of LA. I will be back there, some day....
11:30 午後
I was looking through the crazy (riight) pictures of this
past weekend and, ha...check this out, for some straaange
reason I took this, while walking with my speech contest
team (see those 2 sailor suit girls up front?) through the
lame streets of Nagano city. Talk about lame, look at
what could happen to your car!
Ah yes, good ole Japan.
Thanks, by the way, to Ha for her pictures advice she gave
me last week~
Top 10 (a big thanks to Winmx for these
sweet downloads. The number 1 is actually a pseudonym
used buy Italians Bini & Martini. wwoohaa.
the website i just linked is actually a brilliant flash site...check it out!
1. Eclipse - The music [radio edit]
2. Thomas Newman - Six feet under [Photek remix]
3. Boogie Pimps - Somebody to love (Salt Shaker)
4. Groove Armada - My friend [Swags Good Boddy Remix]
5. Groove Armada - Healing
6. Llorca with Lady Bird - My precious thing [Ian Pooley Mix]
7. Danilo Vigorito - Appendix D (A1 side untitled)
8. Roy Paci & Aretuska - 90�Minuto
9. Lene Nystr� - It's Your Duty (Shake Your Booty)
10. Finley Quaye - Dice
All quiet in this western front....given that a 3 day uninterrupted
by work weekend is coming up, I think it's fair enough, eh?
Hmmm that didn't make sense. But these past two nights
haven't been making sense either. Yesterday we tried to go
watch Tomb Raider but of course the whole movie theater
was shut down just for that day for works. Then we went to
play bowling, and of course that was closed too. We ended
up going to the mall to play a videogame involving taking
the best pictures, and another where you have to chop the
most fish and mollusks in the least amount of time.
And tonight was Simpons and mac & cheese madness
topped by lighting up fireworks in the mountains.
"What the heck..?!!!" exclaimed the loser to his woman, obviously
paralyzed in a virgin mary pose after realizing what a loser her
loser man really is.
Stay as a senator and fight the Bush, not the Terminator!!
Ve alzo vant to velcom our brother Arnold Schwarznegger.
Ve alvays supported the cause for ze Fatherland'z victory, ja?
Ve the peepls of ze Rizing Sun heils ze rize of ze forthz Reich!
ja ja ja ze Emperor rejoicez and vill begin engaging in '70z style
orgiez and touch women and zmoke out the incenze of love javhol!
zank you kalifornien und bustamante fur der unezpected final
zolution! ja ja ja eins zwei polizei!
Michele? perche' non mi scrivi un po' di piu'? non e' che mi dice
molto, michele di trofarello!!!! mandami il tuo indirizzo e-mail!
2:17 午後
Typical of me, I was thinking too much
about the models when I wrote last night's
entry....so I cast my magic spell on it
et voila'...it's exactly the same as before
except for some small parts. Plus it is fooling
my co-workers into thinking I am preparing
my presentation for this friday's all-Nagano
JET meeting.
Yes? Tokyo Game Show story? the top 10 first!
1.Laurent Wolf - Percucion [original mix]
2. Groove Armada - But I feel good
3. Monosurround - I warned you baby
4. Llorca - The End [Hepop Original mix]
5. Manhattan Transfer - 10 minutes till the savages come
6. Manhattan Transfer - Route 66
7. Shirley Bassey - Never Never Never [Groove Armada Mix]
8. Gigi D'Alessio - Como suena el corazon
9. Infernal - The break
10. Ska-p - Fun ska party
shaweeen! house music baby!
Needless to say the night in Tokyo was good old fun
this time times 100 with the Aussies, Filipino hooker
Marc and the Kindofcrap meister himself.
Needless to say we all behaved.
Except the day after.....
As you may or may not know, I went to Tokyo to
take a look at the Tokyo Game Show during the
weekend. For all of you who aren't nerd enough
to know what it is, the TGS is the biggest expo
of upcoming computer games in the world, so
basically you get to check out huge stages or
booths where you can try the games that will
soon be released at your local electronics store
at convenient absurd prices!
Trying them is a task, and even the 10$ ticket would
not make those Disneyland-in-the-summer-like queues
disappear. We could have waited for hours in
lines of nerds and/or gawking at the hundreds of
fine fine fine booth girls, there to sell the product.
These girls are, for your info, known as companion girls.
Who are models with the whose main task isn't to only
pose for professional photos, but they are also
hired to give legs and face to a product
at each event they go, thus breaking nerds' hearts
or making them more perverted than they already
So we were all in trouble. What a feast....blaaaaaa
Believe me I'd post all my pics (and those of the other
guys) but due to lack of space and due to the fact that
I don't want to appear as such a bad bad perv...
I chose to post only one
or two
or three
or four!!!
uhhh, i swear that was a model! hmmm
Anyways, the fun didn't end there....of course!!!
those aren't robots nor images out of a videogame,
but my students doing their excercise show thing
at their sports festival. Safety? Back injury?
What's american bs is that?!
Anyway, talking about oddities, the TGS didn't end
its pleasant surprises with hot models or futuristic
games that I didn't try, but also....cosplayers!!!
For y'all who aren't obviously not into dressing
up for Halloween every time you play a videogame,
the term cosplayer combines "costume" and
"player". That's right, kind of kinky if you will, but
here we are talking about nintendo-obsessed
teens, just like trekkies at their conventions!
From hot to just plain weird, choosing a pic to
show was downright tough, so here's one for now,
and with that I say....
that there are more interesting places than where I live!!!
I wonder what game she played....
And what's up with the girl in black? It must have hurt!
10:54 午後